A Nonchalant Guide For The Heretic, Apostate and Religiously Unemployed

Long time no see - hopefully hungry - Readers!
I know its been a few months and everything but you know how this price-to-duration-to-reward ratio system works, yes? (If not, browse the internet for it; interesting read if nothing else)
So anyway, I was viewing Neil Patrick Harris' (N.P.H.~!) Wiki page at this ungodly hour and came across a half-tied shoelace from a while back. This refers of course to my inchoate perspective on where I should publicize my 'religious standpoint' as. I've often come to attempt some form of mental organization into this situation but have in a bizarre pattern, always (always!) shrugged it off for the sake of this or that or whatever. (like right now *-*)
   What this tells me in a succinct fashion is: I don't care. Nada.
And while I agree that this might irk some or (maybe?) make waves in others, like I said, I've not been able to find enough chi in myself to really care either way. If you don't care either way either, well, me neither.
   Still! I browsed through the verses and well here is a list of most all of 'em - at least idea-wise, far as I could tell.. heck, who knows? *shrug* - from the mainstream zealots to the post-apocalyptic Cthulhu followings through to the caustic non-believers and everything you might think of in a contemplative sitting. This doesn't include some non-central ideas or wacky ones like Pastafarianism, but hey!
     For those fresh-out-of-religion and wishing to put a name to your newly or (Gawd forbid) aged assortment of ideas, this ought to feed your fuel (yes, I know) well enough.
Also, some comical debate with these ideas on a Grammar (burn!!) site of all places. We have to agree that if nothing else, religious mobs do get the atmosphere pumping with definite - cumulatively progressive - cheering and jeering.. ah, the gaiety! (See what I did there? Gaia Theory! :3)

Well, whatever the case, your dry author hopes (is there a good substitute for that? to hope?) that his frivolous scribbling caused some sort of rippling in your psyches - enough for a review, perhaps? - to keep this post from being yet more unnecessary bytes floating within the virtual sphere. Till the next event!

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