Do you know how you define it? You define it as the inability to do a particular work/job.
Now I wanna ask you this, "Have you ever failed?" I had not (in a way) until today, & do you know how I feel now? I feel really good about it. Why? That's because when people failed, & I told them to hold themselves up & understand that failure is nothing but the view of success. They used to laugh at me & tell me that I don't know how it feels because I have never failed myself, and that's the reason why I feel happy when I've failed; because now I've got a chance to prove myself, to prove that I haven't just spoken a lie. That I have faced failure before & it has taught me a great lesson so that I'm no more scared of it; that I no more fear from Failure. Because once you've conquered a territory, you no longer fear from winning it again, because you know, that you had conquered it once & so you can conquer it again.
I'll quote from of my favorites, 'Batman Begins': "And why do we Fall?".
You know, now that's really a question that you should teach in schools, instead of that bogus calculus.
Everybody on this living planet needs to ask this question to themselves, that "Why do we fall?".
You'll find an answer to that question from your childhood. Do you remember when you had just started walking or you walked for the first time in your Life? Your mom would try that you walk up to her, and then you started walking & you fell for the first time in your Life, you didn't just sit & cry then, you picked yourselves up & just tried harder to reach your mom. You might not remember, but you eventually reached your mom.
Life is just the same. Do you know why you reached your mom then? That's because you had no fear of falling in your Head, all what you wanted was to reach your mom in any way possible, because you wanted it from the Heart. You thought of nothing else but reaching your Mom.
If you do the same in your Life, and want for a thing from the bottom of your heart, never dragging yourself down with your failures, trying & trying harder to reach the place you want, believe me, you will reach the place you deserve.
I've failed hundreds of times in my Life. You might say, "Those failures might not have been as huge as mine."
But you know what? There are no Small or Big failures. They are just Failures, stepping stones to Success.


  1. Excellent Point of View of yours, that one is. Keep writing!

  2. Thanks for your appreciation..!
