Growing Old Mandatory But Growing Up Is Optional

The Flip Side

Sometimes, My mind wanders about the saying, 'Age doesn't define maturity.' What does it mean then? The very idea of growing older gives me a hope that I'd be growing up and learning everything I need to learn in life. But then again, I ask myself, does every person grow up o are there only few who choose to.

I had gone to see off a close friend when my grandma arrived. I did the normal greetings and touched her feet (which is our typical Indian Culture to show respect to elders). Somehow my mom and grandma started discussing this way of showing respect to others. Grandma said that, it's a sign that you respect them (even if we didn't!). Both of them said that it's necessary, to do so. I tried to get out of this cliche discussions by giving an ending statement, "The Older People want us to SHOW that we respect them rather than to just respect them."
My mother didn't say anything but to be honest that statement made the situation awkward. To avoid this I cracked some jokes and somehow saved myself....Phew!
All were talking and relaxing and then all of a sudden a question struck into my mind & I just asked her, "Grandma, what if after 4-5 years her grandson falls in love with a Muslim girl, the girl is really nice and you know her too & he wants to marry her then what would you do, would you allow him?"
The answer was quite obvious to me but still I wanted to hear that. she said, "NO! it's not possible."
she continued, "No Muslim girl can come into my house and I won't even allow you (me) to marry a Muslim girl because they are not good people. I also warned my grand-daughter when she was leaving for U.S.A that she shouldn't make friendships with any Muslim guy and don't even try to fall in love with him. Because we and your parents won't allow you to get along with him.
I asked her instantly, "How can we stop ourselves for falling in love or getting attached with someone just because he/she is from our religion, aren't love and bonding above religion? How can you judge someone you don't even know, on the mere basis of religion?"
Again we entered into a debate because of our mindsets but one thing that I got sure of was that I can answer her every question but she wasn't able to answer anyone of mine.

The incident made me think, Growing Old is Mandatory but Growing Up is Optional.
There are people who are just Growing Old, Growing Up is hardly someone doing.
Age never defines Maturity
, it's just a number and 'Older', 'Younger' are just labels to the people.
Its a request to my fellow readers, Respect every religion, Live & Let Live.
There's nothing worst than hatred in this World! :)

#Purely_Fiction  #No_Offense_Meant
#LiveAndLetLive  #RespectEveryLivingBeing

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