The Promise

She had been constantly reminding me for the whole last month, that I'm supposed to take her to that park today, as 'she didn't knew how to drive a two-wheeler' (btw today is her 93rd Birthday).
This was the same park and the same day, where she had met him for the first time, years ago. The same park, where they had spent their 'young days'. But they were not even 20 when they had made this Promise, they didn't possessed the so-called, ability-to-think. But what they possessed was a thing that most of the people in the world don't possess, the determination to keep their Promise.
They had been 'Best-Friends' since they were 19. They were not in Love, but understood each other better than most Couples. They had promised each-other, to remain Best-Friends for the rest of their Life and meet at least once a year at this same park, on the very same day when they had first met. And despite of the struggling lives of theirs, had never broken their promise, never.
It was not easy even when they lived in the same country but it became even harder when he, due to his health issues, had to move to US 43 years ago. Now, despite of his disease he comes to India once in a year, Just for this day, Just to meet her, Just to keep The Promise.
But, this year was going to be different. His son had refused to bring him to India due to his health issues. And I was unable to think of a way to tell all this to her.

Now, Today was their day, their meeting day. But today when I woke up, I got the news that he died last night due to a heart attack and so thought of finally telling her all this. I was feeling sad that they will have to break their Promise. As I reached her room, I saw her lying there frozen, I rushed to the Hospital but she had been Lifeless for the past 5 hours. The exact hour when he left this world; 'cause The Promise was never to be broken.

#HappyPromiseDay <3
#HappyValentineWeek <3

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