Between Humans & Insects

On why the Human Society cannot emulate the general structure of the Ant Society

This is in response to the oft brought up statement that the planet would be so much more if only the dominant species i.e. Homo sapiens, could be more like a gigantic ant colony instead of, well, like us.
The ‘like us’ here employs all actions that could be considered disapproving on the planetary environ scale, and I literally do mean a scale.
This post finds me on the opposing side of the base statement due to a plethora of deductions pointing as such. These being: 

1) Unlike ants, the average human has a much greater life span and in accordance with the established dominance, more complex neural capabilities. These two causes combine to instill a sense of ‘oneself’ rather than ourselves in the later thereby construe the spirit of independence and a selfish mentality towards interdependence that voluntarily overrides instincts genetically passed down from the time of the cave man.
2) Also the average life expectancy combined with the average life spans and development over the basic needs of an organism have caused humans to turn towards more aesthetic endeavors. Basically, pleasure over survival.
3) The ant society also each contains a monarchy. A singular queen that commands all and rules supreme.  There is no just or corrupt segment. You work and are a part, or are a male ant and are an exiled reproduction tool. The only thing one can do is fit into their respective roles (not unlike the system in the now non-existent fictional planet we know as being the home of a certain ironic fictional character).
4) The level of discipline and work ethic to achieve the amount of efficiency that ants possess definitively surpasses the Japanese. Enough said.
5) They have a mighty advantage in survival due to their adaptive and tough anatomy. A human on the same scale would be fresh picking. Literally. The base skill set of ants as a group thus, far surpasses a group of humans. Also, bullet ants.
So unlike my benign roomie, who so condescendingly responded to the idea of this comparison with a ‘They’ve no brains.’ To that I say, “Well that would certainly make zombie anteaters a null possibility now won’t it?”
A/N- If you find yourself with a very convincing argument related to the above, please do take the liberty of posting it and do consider liking the blog if it so appeals to your anthropological fancies. Also, could you guess who the mysterious fictional character is? My friend certainly couldn’t.

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