Acquainted Ignorama, much?

"Familiarity breeds contempt", said my almost-somewhat-confusing-controversial pal - who for the sake of convenience shall be known henceforth as 'DS' - so spontaneously that it didn't register as anything more than a convoluted grouching to my senses. After all, with a triad of 'knowns' in a familiar public environ with all of us being 'rightfully' absorbed in maintaining our virtual status quo (on our cellphones, that is), the most we could justly be expected to expect was the irregular dose of joviality sprinkled with spoonfuls of mirthful sarcasm and guffaws that are dead from the on-set. Not expected at all.
    Oh! Did I mention that we were in the mess for some much anticipated dinnertime?
                 Anyway, after he reintroduced me to the verse by means of sarcastic gloating and some very colourfully imagined etymological brainstorming, I asked the obvious 3 W's (these being the 'what', the 'why' and the 'who') for the sake of humouring him as always. I was awarded with a rant on how the waiter was downgrading our precedence due to us being a recurring face in our daily grub destination. Like duh bruv!
I just reacted with a dramatic twist of my lips like a professional would. No really, imagine Sheldon from *cough-cough-cough* you know where.
    What really plagued my thoughts that night is, "Contempt results in ignorance". That and the oft violent by-product.
Ignorance of DS for the waiters overtaxed plight.
Ignorance of the waiter towards the need for efficiency.
Ignorance of the manager for his more permanent customers.
Ignorance, of the third anonymous pal for being a non-element.
And of course, my own ignorance, for making an introverted mockery of grievances pertaining to the above and then going on to write a blog about it!
    Now, if we were to be technical about this whole deal - and taking into account the 'Ignorance is a bliss' equation - ain't 'Familiarity a bliss'?

PS: Moral of the story for the irrational/inherently rebellious:
 "Make Bonds, Live Life, and enjoy the whole Journey".

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