
So cast the first vote, unto your choice politician; as you,
Swear upon your false-god, in blind recognition;
Weighing your judgment, with infallible pride
Look upon the face of your derailed inhibitions,
As our voice echoes their inaudible lies.
Venomous faith, I expel thee now
Exiled from logic; the unseeing rejoice
Shadows consume what light once reflected,
The fallen now scream with a united voice.
I speak for the dead - who cannot protest,
globalized genocide; a parody - grotesque.
Jihad, holy war, and righteous crusade,
"cleansing the world of corruption", you say?
Pedophile priests and explosive suicides,
what's this I see with my two open eyes?
Vatican laws and suicide bombers,
if we don't agree, we're all f***ing goners
What kind of “God” may compel them to kill?
March into Jerusalem, bombard the Gaza strip,
unearth a sea of murder - and take a bloody dip!
Assimilate the heathens, desecrate our homes,
dying as they sit upon their high and mighty thrones
So lets all take a tour of Tehran or Pyongyang,
where freedom is dead, and all protests they ban
Lets take a good look at the graves of Auschwitz,
you tell me if such men would dare give two shits?
You speak of love, acceptance and purity,
all in the name of your beloved deity.
Your idol of choice - politics or divinity,
their names you uphold with violent affinity.
For behold the tongue, which in man's blood has bathed,
hapless and uncivilized as a dirt road unpaved.
Self-titled harbingers of “peace” upon the earth,
destroyers of that which they claim to have saved.


"Kill them!” he shouted with all his strength.
And hence, thousands were killed. This was, a religion war. Humans of one religion killing humans of another religion over nothing; Really, believe me, Nothing.
All this wars started, thousands dead, just because the humans of another religion doesn't agree/follow the things said in a certain religion. Just because the so-called head of a certain religion said so. Just because; of a Human, or Inhuman for that matter.

Ok! let's for now, we consider that the war happened for a reason. Let's assume that person was correct. He spent his whole life fighting for that cause.
Now, let’s see a fact.
Dinosaurs ruled the earth once. They died. There came an end to their reign. They took nothing, no food, no money, with them, Nothing. At the end, they just died, without affecting this infinite Nature.
Now, even if you consider human being, superior to Dinosaurs, even that won't allow you to make a difference to this infinite universe.
So, all I wanna ask is,
"What difference will you make by winning a stupid war against your own species!"

You idiot Human, Learn from the History, learn from this Universe.
How in this universe, did you even let that thought inside your minute head that you can make any difference in this universe by killing your own species? And that too for pity reasons.
You dumb thing.
It's not too late, even now. Learn Something & STOP these killings in the name of a superior being.

The Black Canvas

This big black canvas that makes my imagination run free.
I can draw, I can paint, I can even direct a movie.
I can run over mountains, I can jump over rivers, swim across oceans.
I can Live, I can die. I can be reborn.
I can become invincible, I can have all the super powers, I can be villainous.
It has everything in it.
It’s Infinite. It’s Indestructible.
It makes me feel alive. It sparks a new fire in me. It motivates me to rise.
This Big Black Canvas. This Dark Night Sky.


You know, I meet a lot of people on a daily basis who haven't found their talents yet, or don't know what they wanna do in their Life. They tell me they have tried a lot, tried their hands at different things, works. But, nothing has worked for them yet. And, after such discussion they ask me how to find their talent? Or what’s the path to finding their talent or their aim in Life?

Now, for those people & for other people too. It’s not a big deal, if you have tried a lot of things & didn't found a single thing that has interested you. It’s totally normal. 'Cause Life would have been so boring if it would have straight away told you what do you have to do with it? Isn't it?

If nothing works, then there’s one thing that everyone should do but no one does.
Help others find their talents. And do it with your heart. Try helping other people. Believe in them.
But, that doesn't earn you money. If you're thinking this, then you need to strengthen your belief in this concept; the working of Life.
'Cause unless you believe in it with whole of your Heart, no change is possible.
Believe in it, help people. And you can't imagine how amazingly things can change.

'Cause in the end you never know how amazing this Life can turn out.


In this world, full of traps and deceits, Magic is the only thing that keeps me going.

Yes, I'm an adult and I believe in Magic.
Because whenever I asked, Magic rose to occasion & granted me my wish.
Throughout the trials of life, my inherent faith in Magic never wavered because I have seen and felt miracles.

The happenstance of finding your long lost Best Friend, when you needed him most?
What is it, if not Magic?

Those happy kids in over packed buses and vans, who remind you that innocence is not extinct and the world is still worth living in; when you were on a bunch of giving up?
What is it, if not Magic?

Magic is hidden in little things.
If you want to find it, first you have to believe in it.

Watch with your glittering eyes, the whole world around you, because 'the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places'. 'Cause those who don't believe in Magic will never find it.

For some, Magic is their God. A superhuman entity.
For some, Magic is their family. Support system through the harshest trials.

You have to choose what you want your Magic to be.

So, Start Believing. 'Cause the day you start believing, is the day you will see miracles happening.